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  • Breaking News

    A man of friends everywhere he goes

    He who carries love
    Everywhere I go, I have friends.
    Whoever goes with the lines
    Not lonely anywhere

    He who carries justice
    Everywhere you go, you have company.
    He who goes with the truth
    Everywhere I go, I hear someone.

    He who carries mercy
    There is peace everywhere
    He who goes with the truth
    Wherever you go, there is joy.

    Who goes with honesty
    Everywhere you go, there's faith.
    Who goes with diligence
    Everywhere you go, there is joy,

    He who goes with modesty
    Wherever we go, there is harmony.
    Who goes with lying
    Everywhere you go, there's distrust.

    Who goes with laziness and laziness
    Everywhere you go, there is contempt.
    Who goes out for self-interest?
    Everywhere I go, I have complaints.
    The only people who have discrimination and prejudice
    There is discord everywhere.

    What do you carry?